Inte­rim agree­ment with Goog­le / Final remu­ne­ra­ti­on will be deter­mi­ned by Arbi­tra­ti­on Board

Under the inte­rim agree­ment, Goog­le will pay a total of €8.2 mil­li­on for the past and until the end of 2023 and €3.2 mil­li­on each year the­re­af­ter. All cur­rent pay­ments are ad inte­rim and wit­hout pre­ju­di­ce to the final decis­i­on of the Board.

Press Release
Ber­lin, 2023-10-12

In the dis­pu­te over the use of press con­tent by the search engi­ne, Corint Media and Goog­le have agreed on a licen­sing arran­ge­ment in a first step, accor­ding to which Goog­le will initi­al­ly pay an amount of 3.2 mil­li­on euros per year. This appli­es until the Arbi­tra­ti­on Board at the Ger­man Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) deci­des on the actu­al appro­pria­te remu­ne­ra­ti­on. Corint Media and Goog­le have alre­a­dy fol­lo­wed the Arbi­tra­ti­on Board’s pro­po­sal and accept­ed a pro­vi­sio­nal pay­ment of 5.8 mil­li­on euros by Goog­le for the peri­od from the ent­ry into force of the press pro­tec­tion law on 7 June 2021 until 31 March 2023. What is remar­kab­le about the Arbi­tra­ti­on Board’s pro­po­sal is that it was the first time that it had fol­lo­wed an emer­gen­cy appli­ca­ti­on under Sec­tion 106 VGG and pro­po­sed an inte­rim pay­ment. In doing so, the Arbi­tra­ti­on Board set a pay­ment amount that Goog­le had offe­red Corint Media a year ear­lier — at the time, howe­ver, as a final and not just inte­rim pay­ment. The Arbi­tra­ti­on Board pro­po­sed the amount as inte­rim pay­ment in sum­ma­ry pro­cee­dings brought by Corint Media, as this sum offe­red the grea­test chan­ce for a quick, actu­al pay­ment by Goog­le.

The inte­rim agree­ment ends a long dis­pu­te in which Goog­le unlawful­ly used the press con­tent repre­sen­ted by Corint Media wit­hout pay­ing remu­ne­ra­ti­on for it. In the ongo­ing main pro­cee­dings befo­re the Arbi­tra­ti­on Board, Corint Media con­ti­nues to advo­ca­te for a signi­fi­cant­ly hig­her remu­ne­ra­ti­on to be paid by Goog­le .

Mana­ging Direc­tor Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer: “The agree­ment now con­cluded is pro­ba­b­ly the first case in Euro­pe and world­wi­de in which Goog­le is obli­ged to make a pay­ment to a coll­ec­ting socie­ty for the use of press copy­rights fol­lo­wing the decis­i­on of an inde­pen­dent judi­cial body — and does not con­clude pay­ment agree­ments sub­ject to strict con­fi­den­tia­li­ty as is usual­ly the case. Whe­re the qua­si-mono­po­list Goog­le other­wi­se dic­ta­tes pri­ces, the rou­te via ordi­na­ry courts is the only way to achie­ve an appro­pria­te remu­ne­ra­ti­on for the used con­tent. Corint Media’s sett­le­ment with Goog­le shows that even a sec­tion of the press mar­ket can suc­ceed in resis­ting Google’s domi­nant busi­ness beha­viour if only unity is high. The­se efforts should — and will — bene­fit the other publishers if suc­cessful.”

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