
Corint Media GmbH

Len­né­stra­ße 5
10785 Ber­lin

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Respon­si­ble per­son pur­su­ant to sec­tion 2, artic­le 18 (2) of the Ger­man Inter­sta­te Media Trea­ty (MStV)

Bernd Del­ven­thal, Head of Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on
Corint Media GmbH
Len­né­stra­ße 5
10785 Ber­lin

The Corint Media GmbH (her­ein­af­ter „Corint Media“) her­eby objects to the use of cont­act details con­tai­ned in the legal noti­ce or com­pa­ra­ble public sources by third par­ties for the trans­mis­si­on of infor­ma­ti­on that has not been express­ly reques­ted. The right to take legal steps against the sen­ders of pro­mo­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on (inclu­ding spam e‑mails) in the event of brea­ches of this pro­hi­bi­ti­on is express­ly reser­ved.


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  3. Corint Media reser­ves the right to with­draw any licence in the event of a breach of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons as well as to cla­im any resul­ting dama­ges.


Ala­my Stock Pho­to (15)
Guy Cor­bish­ley / Ala­my Stock Pho­to
ima­go stock&people
Pat­ti McCon­ville / Ala­my Stock Pho­to
pic­tu­re alli­ance / Wolf­gang Kumm
pic­tu­re alli­ance / akg-images
pic­tu­re alli­ance / ZUMA PRESS (2)
SOPA Images Limi­t­ed / Ala­my Stock Pho­to
ull­stein bild / Chro­nos Media GmbH
Anna Sul­li­van / uns­plash
iam_os / uns­plash
Mar Cer­dei­ra / uns­plash

adrian_trinkaus / uns­plash
Anten­ne Nie­der­sach­sen
Anto­nia Hras­ter (2)
Axel Sprin­ger SE / Mat­ti Hal­lig
Ber­nard Bial­orucki / Get­ty Images
Dado Danie­la / Get­ty Images
Eric Kem­nitz
fionn­gros­se / uns­plash
Flo­ri­an Arp
Guy Cor­bish­ley / Ala­my Stock Pho­to
Hol­ger Kark­heck
iam_os / uns­plash
ima­go stock&people / Xin­hua
Ionel Sorin Fur­coi / Ala­my Stock
MG-​RTL / Ste­fan Gre­go­ro­wi­us
Micha­el Sche­yer
Sport1 Medi­en AG
Timo Oster­mann (2)
Uli Knör­zer (6)
Urban Ruths
Wil­fried Ger­harz
Bern­hard Wei­zen­eg­ger

Web­site Rea­li­sa­ti­on

unitb con­sul­ting GmbH

Ser­ver Hos­ting

Hetz­ner Online GmbH
Indus­trie­str. 25
91710 Gun­zen­hau­sen

Dis­trict Court Ans­bach HRB 6089
VAT-ID DE 812871812