Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer beco­mes new Mana­ging Direc­tor of Corint Media GmbH

At its last super­vi­so­ry board mee­ting, the super­vi­so­ry board appoin­ted Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer as the new mana­ging direc­tor of Corint Media GmbH

Press release
Ber­lin, 2023-05-02

At its last super­vi­so­ry board mee­ting, the super­vi­so­ry board of the coll­ec­ting socie­ty Corint Media appoin­ted Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer as the new mana­ging direc­tor of Corint Media GmbH, effec­ti­ve May 1, 2023.

Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer has hea­ded Corint Media’s legal depart­ment sin­ce 2013. Pri­or to that, the expe­ri­en­ced lawy­er work­ed as an att­or­ney in two international law firms in Frank­furt am Main in the are­as of cor­po­ra­te law and regu­la­ted indus­tries. She star­ted her pro­fes­sio­nal care­er at ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, whe­re she work­ed as in-house coun­sel for six years. She com­ple­ted her stu­dies in Frank­furt, Gen­e­va and Bonn. She recei­ved her doc­to­ra­te in Mainz.

Dr. Micha­el Mül­ler, Depu­ty Chair­man of the Super­vi­so­ry Board of Corint Media, said:„We are plea­sed to be working with Dr. Chris­ti­ne Jury-Fischer, the long-stan­ding head of the legal depart­ment, a very com­pe­tent and expe­ri­en­ced suc­ces­sor who stands for con­ti­nui­ty and relia­bi­li­ty in the manage­ment of the com­pa­ny. On behalf of the Super­vi­so­ry Board, the share­hol­ders and all rights owners, I wish her every suc­cess in this endea­vor.“

About Corint Media
Corint Media, based in Ber­lin, is a Euro­pean com­pa­ny in the pri­va­te media indus­try. It repres­ents the copy­rights and neigh­bou­ring rights of almost all Ger­man and seve­ral international pri­va­te tele­vi­si­on and radio sta­ti­ons as well as num­e­rous press publishers.

The media com­pa­nies repre­sen­ted by Corint Media include TV sta­ti­ons such as Sat.1, Pro­Sie­ben, RTL, WELT, SPORT1, CNBC, Euro­s­port, VOX and CNN, radio sta­ti­ons such as ANTENNE BAYERN, radio ffn, Klas­sik Radio, Radio Ham­burg, Hit Radio-FFH, RADIO PSR, R.SH, RPR1 and RTL RADIO, as well as press publishers such as Axel Sprin­ger, Ver­lags­ge­sell­schaft Madsack, Medi­en­grup­pe Pres­se­druck, Aschen­dorff Medi­en­grup­pe, Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­grup­pe, sh:z Schles­wig-Hol­stei­ni­scher Zei­tungs­ver­lag and Badi­scher Ver­lag.

Corint Media is one of 13 coll­ec­ting socie­ties aut­ho­ri­sed in Ger­ma­ny and is under the super­vi­si­on of the Ger­man Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA).

Copyright International Media